Friday, June 17, 2011


Welcome Young Witches and Wizards! I am so glad that you are here and I can't wait to meet you! The Sorting Hat will be putting you into houses (teams) on Monday. You can earn the very first points for your house by answering the following question about yourself.

Question 1- Which house do you think the sorting hat would choose for you?

A.) Gryffindor
(For your courage, bravery, loyalty, nerve and chivalry.) 

B.) Ravenclaw
(For your intelligence, creativity, learning ability and wit.) 

C.) Hufflepuff
(For your hard work, tolerance, loyalty, and fair play.) 

D.) Slytherin
(For your ambition, leadership skills, resourcefulness, and for being cunning.)

Please post a comment below with your answer! (Don't forget your name)
See you soon,
Head Mistress Tree


Head Mistress Tree said...

I think it would be a close call as to whether the Sorting Hat would think I am a better match for Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. In the end...I bet my creativity would be the deciding factor and Ravenclaw would be the house for me:)

Anonymous said...

Asa Pollack - I can be sneaky so Slytherin might by my house.

Anonymous said...

Zeke - I would choose Gryffindor as my house.

Anonymous said...

I think i'd be in ravenclaw or gryffindor.-- Joshua

Anonymous said...

Melanie- I think I would probably be in Gryffindor.

Anonymous said...

Lily- ravenclaw

Anonymous said...

Dani I think I would be in Gryffindor

Anonymous said...

Brinia-I think I would probably be in Gryffindor.

Anonymous said...

henry- gryffindor

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

fritz gryffindor

Anonymous said...

Asa I would be in Gryffndor because I have courage,loyalty,bravery.

Anonymous said...

Will would be in Gryffindor.