Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 4

Defense Against the Dark Arts:
 Today we started making our Spell Books. Tomorrow we will put them together and add some new spells of our own. The more spells we learn...the more exciting our duels become!

History of Hogwarts:
We started history class today with a little contest to see which house could remember the most names from any wizarding family by creating a family tree. At the end of class, we all went up the moving staircases, past the moving pictures, to the computer lab for a major battle of wits where we played Wizard's Challenge online. Congratulations to The House of Dobby! They won this challenge and earned many points towards the Wizard's Cup by knowing so much from the books!

Potions Class:
Potions was super messy today, so we decided to take our lab outside. We got to experiment by mixing "dragon's snot, blood, ground troll bones and poison" into our potions to see whose would explode the most. It was quite exciting!

Puppet Pals:
After all of the preparation and rehearsing...the Puppet Pal shows were hilarious! I will be posting videos of them as soon as I figure out how to get them from my iphone to this blog. (lol...wish me luck!)
Here's a video of some of today's special moments:

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