Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 8

Today was our last full day AT Hogwarts on the Hill. The final two days of our adventure will be spent playing MAGIQUEST! We had a blast today. We kept coming up with super cool new games to play and made sure that we also did our old favorite activities for the last time together.

One funny thing that we discovered is that there are MANY uses for a wizard's hat. We had a good time playing around with our freshly painted hats until a new game emerged. Our imaginations went wild with all of the fun things we could do with a snitch and a hat. As the game began to take shape, we went outside to the Forbidden Forest and used our wizard's hats in a game that we named Catch the Snitch.

Here are a few of today's highlights...

I must admit that I am sad that our big adventure is coming to an end. However...I am very much looking forward to taking the Knight Bus tomorrow on our quest to become Master Magi!!

**Remember young Magi to wear your Greenhill Summer on the Hill Shirt and bring a sack lunch.

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