Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 5

Today we became 5th years! To celebrate this big moment in our wizarding lives, we decided to judge a little competition that we've had going on between houses all week. The challenge was for each house to create a Hogwarts creation using Legos.


The House of Dobby's Hogwarts!


The House of Black's Knight Bus!

The House of Snape's Hogwarts!

                                                       ...and The Potter House's Hogwarts!

We read in the 3rd book about when Fred and George gave Harry the infamous MARAUDER'S MAP! After reading about it, we made our very own Marauder's Maps. My young witches/wizards worked so diligently on their maps drawing as many details about Hogwarts as they could! I think after all of their hard work, our maps will come to great use next time we are up to Hogwarts mischief! 

This afternoon, we went outside for a bit of Wizards' Hide-N-Go Seek. One group wore invisibility cloaks while they hid from the other group that was using Marauder's Maps! If you were caught, you were taken to AZAKABAN! It was quite exciting:)

Here are some more pictures of our 5th day at Hogwarts on the Hill...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...