Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 3

Question of the Day:

If you could create a new spell to do with your wand...What would it be? Why?


Anonymous said...

It would turn you into a werewolf...For self protection. -Mel

Anonymous said...

My spell would put dementors under my complete control. - Fritz

Anonymous said...

It would turn you into a scorpion. For defense and if you were being attacked to sting an enemy-ZEKE

Anonymous said...

A spell to make up new spells! So then I could make a random spell and I could do what ever I want! Danielle

Anonymous said...

if i made a spell it would make you a black werewolf with vampire fangs and small spikes on it.

Anonymous said...

Asa If I made up a spell it wouldturn you into a Dragon

Anonymous said...

Also a spell to make up new spells! It would be sooooooooooo cool!-Brinia

Anonymous said...

Luke - I would make a spell to turn myself into Wayne Gretsky so I could be the best hockey player in the world.