Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 3

With a common love for all things Harry Potter, and two summers of Hogwarts on the Hill together, our prefects have become super close.


 They each are leaders for a different house, but can often be found hanging out and laughing together:)


Today we received our very own Harry Potter glasses and wizard robes to decorate!

Now we really look magical! 

Here we are ready and excited to play Quidditch!

This afternoon we decided to write our own Harry Potter Puppet Pals scripts. Each house spent time together making up scripts, practicing parts and creating Puppet Pal characters. Tomorrow, we will perform our puppet plays for the other Hogwarts students. It was so much fun walking around and listening to each group brainstorm and giggle over their funny plays that they are writing. This is an incredibly creative group of young witches and wizards!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would create a spell that would change my outfit any time of the day because I like to change clothes alot. -LILY-