Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 2

Question of the Day:
If you were trying out for one of  Hogwart's Quidditch teams, which Quidditch position would you want to play? Why?


Anonymous said...

I would most want to play as a beater. I don't know why I like it...I just do. -Mel

Anonymous said...

Brinia-I dunno, maybe beater, I'm not so sure.

Anonymous said...

I like being chaser. It is fun to run around trying to score. Danielle

Anonymous said...

Keeper because I like goalie - Luke

Anonymous said...

Fritz would want to be a seeker because he would get to catch the snitch and be the hero of the game.

Anonymous said...

I really want to be seeker because I have a good eye.LILY-

Anonymous said...

Hi this is Zeke. I like to be a chaser and a keeper. I like to be a chaser because I like to run. I like to be a keeper because I think it is a challenge to block the ball.