Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 1

Wow! What a great first day! Here are some of today's highlights...

This summer we have 3 returning students to Hogwarts on the Hill...Mel, Zeke and Daniel. Since they are "11th years", we chose them to be our prefects. Congratulations Prefects!!!

Opening Ceremonies:
This morning, each witch/wizard placed the Sorting Hat on his/her head. As we did so, a colored magical stone would be chosen. The color of the stone told each one of us which house we belonged to!

History of Hogwarts Class:
Once in our houses, we competed with a bit of H.P. house trivia and then completely created new houses for ourselves. We now have The House of Snape, The House of Dobby, The Potter House and The House of Black. With tasks such as creating banners, our own coat of arms and shields to was quite a productive day!

In Potions class today we grew magic crystals. Each house created a growing spell to go with it. When we came back to our room an hour later, we were amazed to find that our tiny little crystals had grown so much they were close to overflowing their cups. (I think our spells must have been very powerful!!)

Defense Against the Dark Arts:
We learned our 1st four H.P. spells today.  "Accio", "Expelliarmus", "Stupefy" and "Protego". After practicing these new spells a was time to go outside to the Goblet of Fire for our 1st duel! When we duel we always bow, turn, take 5 steps and....draw our wands!

After such a fun first day with this special group of witches and wizards, I can't wait for tomorrow. we come!


Anonymous said...

Go prefects, zeke

Anonymous said...

Go prefects! And go students! -Mel