Sunday, July 3, 2011


To talk to your friends, click on the comment box below. Owls are ready to deliver your messages!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Our Last Day Together

I am sad to say that our time together this summer at Hogwarts on the Hill has come to an end. Yesterday, we walked away from Hogwarts side by side as we once again entered the world of muggles.

We had spent our final day playing Magi Quest at the
Great Wolf Lodge.

Everyone trained hard and worked together to master challenging quests.

Here are many pictures from our final adventure.

That very morning, they had left Hogwarts as just young apprentices. However, each returned as a 

Thank you so much for sharing your children with me! It was such an exciting two weeks. I already miss each of my young witches and wizards. I will leave this blog up so that you might continue to enjoy pictures/videos from our magical experience. Your children have also expressed the desire to stay in touch with all of their new friends. Feel free to use this blog as a place to talk to each other and explore the Magical World of Harry Potter together.

Now for a bit of wizardly advice before we journey on our way:
Always remember the Hogwarts' Motto that is written on the school's coat of arms.
For this could one day save your life...
Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon!

(lol) Have a great summer.
I hope to see you at Hogwarts again next summer!
Head Mistress Tree

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Hey Master Magi! Click on the link below. It is super cool! My favorite part is the tour of Hogwarts!

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter


The blog is allowing for us to comment again, so I just have to ask one more question...
What will you miss the most about Hogwarts on the Hill?

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Today was our first field trip to the Great Wolf Lodge to play MagiQuest.

 We cannot wait to return tomorrow to become MASTER MAGI!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 8

Today was our last full day AT Hogwarts on the Hill. The final two days of our adventure will be spent playing MAGIQUEST! We had a blast today. We kept coming up with super cool new games to play and made sure that we also did our old favorite activities for the last time together.

One funny thing that we discovered is that there are MANY uses for a wizard's hat. We had a good time playing around with our freshly painted hats until a new game emerged. Our imaginations went wild with all of the fun things we could do with a snitch and a hat. As the game began to take shape, we went outside to the Forbidden Forest and used our wizard's hats in a game that we named Catch the Snitch.

Here are a few of today's highlights...

I must admit that I am sad that our big adventure is coming to an end. However...I am very much looking forward to taking the Knight Bus tomorrow on our quest to become Master Magi!!

**Remember young Magi to wear your Greenhill Summer on the Hill Shirt and bring a sack lunch.

Day 7

Potions Class
Yesterday in Potions Class we learned that if you mix Boggart Eggs with Dementor makes a big explosion! Here's a video of our potion blowing up:

...(Now try playing it backwards!:)

This next video is filled with pictures from our "7th year" at Hogwarts:

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Breaking News!

Our blog has a brand new look! Due to a few small problems that have come along with our blog's awesome new face-lift, I am going to be posting pictures tomorrow about what we did today.
However, there is a bit of BREAKING NEWS that just could not wait...
This morning at Hogwarts on the Hill, a young 1st grader (7th year wizard) lost his tooth!!!
Congratulations Henry!!! Tell the Tooth Fairy that she is invited to visit Hogwarts on the Hill anytime:)

Day 7

Today's Question:
Today we read about Harry's Patronus. What form would  your Patronus take?

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 6

Happy Monday! We were all over Hogwarts' Campus today having a wizardly fun time. Here are some pictures from our "6th year".
We finished writing our spell books and took them out with us for a dueling tournament. 

...and Our little Golden Snitches learned to fly!

Day 6

Which wand does the calendar say is for you?

Bonus: If you turn in your field trip permission form tomorrow, then you will get double points!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Which wand is for you?

image Did you know that each wizard has his very own unique wand? The special wand for you can be determined by using the Celtic Tree Calendar below.

Find your birthday and see which type of magic wand is perfect for you:

Birch (Betula)
24 Dec. – 20 Jan.
21 Jan. – 17 Feb.
18 Feb. – 17 Mar.
18 Mar. – 14 Apr.
15 Apr. – 12 May
13 May – 9 June
10 June – 7 July
8 July – 4 Aug.
5 Aug. – 1 Sept.
2 Sept. – 29 Sept.
30 Sept. – 27 Oct.
28 Oct. – 24 Nov.
25 Nov. – 22 Dec.


Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 5

Today we became 5th years! To celebrate this big moment in our wizarding lives, we decided to judge a little competition that we've had going on between houses all week. The challenge was for each house to create a Hogwarts creation using Legos.


The House of Dobby's Hogwarts!


The House of Black's Knight Bus!

The House of Snape's Hogwarts!

                                                       ...and The Potter House's Hogwarts!

We read in the 3rd book about when Fred and George gave Harry the infamous MARAUDER'S MAP! After reading about it, we made our very own Marauder's Maps. My young witches/wizards worked so diligently on their maps drawing as many details about Hogwarts as they could! I think after all of their hard work, our maps will come to great use next time we are up to Hogwarts mischief! 

This afternoon, we went outside for a bit of Wizards' Hide-N-Go Seek. One group wore invisibility cloaks while they hid from the other group that was using Marauder's Maps! If you were caught, you were taken to AZAKABAN! It was quite exciting:)

Here are some more pictures of our 5th day at Hogwarts on the Hill...

Day 5

What is your favorite thing that we did this week at Hogwart's on the Hill?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

"Wizard Idol"

Presented by The House of Black:

"Strange Ending"

Presented by the House of Snape:

"The Story of Voldemort and Neville"

Presented by The Potter House:

"Revenge on Lord Voldemort"

 Presented by the House of Dobby:

Day 4

Defense Against the Dark Arts:
 Today we started making our Spell Books. Tomorrow we will put them together and add some new spells of our own. The more spells we learn...the more exciting our duels become!

History of Hogwarts:
We started history class today with a little contest to see which house could remember the most names from any wizarding family by creating a family tree. At the end of class, we all went up the moving staircases, past the moving pictures, to the computer lab for a major battle of wits where we played Wizard's Challenge online. Congratulations to The House of Dobby! They won this challenge and earned many points towards the Wizard's Cup by knowing so much from the books!

Potions Class:
Potions was super messy today, so we decided to take our lab outside. We got to experiment by mixing "dragon's snot, blood, ground troll bones and poison" into our potions to see whose would explode the most. It was quite exciting!

Puppet Pals:
After all of the preparation and rehearsing...the Puppet Pal shows were hilarious! I will be posting videos of them as soon as I figure out how to get them from my iphone to this blog. (lol...wish me luck!)
Here's a video of some of today's special moments:

Big Harry Potter News!


J. K. Rowling is releasing a new interactive Web site called Pottermore!!

(It is going to be a  Harry Potter reading experience with more than 18,000 new words from J.K. Rowling.)

Click on the link below for the announcement and more information!

The Leaky Cauldron- Breaking Pottermore News!

Day 4

Question of the Day:
Can you name a member of Dumbledore's Army?

(You get two house points for answering. If you are the first to name someone, I'll double your points! Please only list one name so that all your friends have a fair chance to name someone new.)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 3

With a common love for all things Harry Potter, and two summers of Hogwarts on the Hill together, our prefects have become super close.


 They each are leaders for a different house, but can often be found hanging out and laughing together:)


Today we received our very own Harry Potter glasses and wizard robes to decorate!

Now we really look magical! 

Here we are ready and excited to play Quidditch!

This afternoon we decided to write our own Harry Potter Puppet Pals scripts. Each house spent time together making up scripts, practicing parts and creating Puppet Pal characters. Tomorrow, we will perform our puppet plays for the other Hogwarts students. It was so much fun walking around and listening to each group brainstorm and giggle over their funny plays that they are writing. This is an incredibly creative group of young witches and wizards!

Day 3

Question of the Day:

If you could create a new spell to do with your wand...What would it be? Why?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 2

Today we learned to fly!!!
Flying 101:
This morning we ALL received our new brooms. As we decorated them, it was interesting to see that some people had Firebolts, some people had a variety of Nimbus models and others had completely new broom brands even I had never seen before!

After our first flying lessons, we flew in broom races. Wow could we fly fast!

Once we had mastered the art of flying on our brooms, it was time to learn the History of Quidditch. All 3 of our first matches were incredibly exciting. I think we are all looking forward to playing again tomorrow.

Witches and sure to tell your parents about some of the other cool things we did today, too!

See you at Hogwarts,
Head Mistress Tree

Day 2

Question of the Day:
If you were trying out for one of  Hogwart's Quidditch teams, which Quidditch position would you want to play? Why?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 1

Wow! What a great first day! Here are some of today's highlights...

This summer we have 3 returning students to Hogwarts on the Hill...Mel, Zeke and Daniel. Since they are "11th years", we chose them to be our prefects. Congratulations Prefects!!!

Opening Ceremonies:
This morning, each witch/wizard placed the Sorting Hat on his/her head. As we did so, a colored magical stone would be chosen. The color of the stone told each one of us which house we belonged to!

History of Hogwarts Class:
Once in our houses, we competed with a bit of H.P. house trivia and then completely created new houses for ourselves. We now have The House of Snape, The House of Dobby, The Potter House and The House of Black. With tasks such as creating banners, our own coat of arms and shields to was quite a productive day!

In Potions class today we grew magic crystals. Each house created a growing spell to go with it. When we came back to our room an hour later, we were amazed to find that our tiny little crystals had grown so much they were close to overflowing their cups. (I think our spells must have been very powerful!!)

Defense Against the Dark Arts:
We learned our 1st four H.P. spells today.  "Accio", "Expelliarmus", "Stupefy" and "Protego". After practicing these new spells a was time to go outside to the Goblet of Fire for our 1st duel! When we duel we always bow, turn, take 5 steps and....draw our wands!

After such a fun first day with this special group of witches and wizards, I can't wait for tomorrow. we come!

Day 1

Our first day of Harry Potter camp was SO MUCH FUN! I will post pictures and tell you about  some of our favorite parts tonight after I get home.
Congratulations to Zeke and Asa! They answered our first question of the day before Harry Potter camp even started. Both Wizards earned 3 points for their new house!

Witches and Wizards:
Here's Question 2: 
Which character is your favorite?

See you at Hogwarts,
Head Mistress Tree

P.S. -Tomorrow we get our brooms and learn to play Quidditch!!!

Friday, June 17, 2011


Welcome Young Witches and Wizards! I am so glad that you are here and I can't wait to meet you! The Sorting Hat will be putting you into houses (teams) on Monday. You can earn the very first points for your house by answering the following question about yourself.

Question 1- Which house do you think the sorting hat would choose for you?

A.) Gryffindor
(For your courage, bravery, loyalty, nerve and chivalry.) 

B.) Ravenclaw
(For your intelligence, creativity, learning ability and wit.) 

C.) Hufflepuff
(For your hard work, tolerance, loyalty, and fair play.) 

D.) Slytherin
(For your ambition, leadership skills, resourcefulness, and for being cunning.)

Please post a comment below with your answer! (Don't forget your name)
See you soon,
Head Mistress Tree