Sunday, July 3, 2011


To talk to your friends, click on the comment box below. Owls are ready to deliver your messages!


Head Mistress Tree said...

Hey Magi! It makes me really happy to see that so many of you are still using this blog to talk to each other and to play games. I noticed that several of us are clicking on different comment boxes to talk. If we all click on this box, then it might be easier for the owls to deliver our messages.
I hope you are all having an awesome first weekend back in the muggle world exploring your new Master Magi powers.
Talk to you soon --H.M. Tree

Anonymous said...

sup people :)-Daniel

Anonymous said...

daniel!!!!!!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Yo daniel wat up?

Anonymous said...

How is everybody doing!

Anonymous said...

have you heard of unblock me it is best app you can git it on the app store-Zeke

Anonymous said...

the new harry potter movie part 2 is coming out on Friday i am going to see it i am so happy-Zeke

Anonymous said...

yo Epic random vampire ninja whats up-Zeke

Anonymous said...

i got in leadership it's a thing in karate its so much fun you get to use swords and all sorts of stuff.Zeke

Anonymous said...

Hi zeke how are you.
-Dani (ERVN)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Zeke what are you doing right now are you somewere doing something
Danielle rocks

Anonymous said...

yo whats up. Do pigs fly-Zeke

Anonymous said...

i am good how are you-Zeke

Anonymous said...

i am good how are you-Zeke

Anonymous said...

i am good how are you-Zeke

Anonymous said...

i am good how are you-Zeke

Anonymous said...

sorry i didn't mean to post that many comments-Zeke

Anonymous said...

have you heard of the app unblock me it's 1$ its the best app-Zeke

Anonymous said...

Cool Zeke! Hey Daniel! How are you guys? TTYL - Mel

Anonymous said...

Hey EPIC VAMPIRE NINJA!! How's Ethan?? Mrs.Knight!! Mrs.Mitchel!!! Addis Mitchel is creepy. EVERYBODY PLEASE WATCH THE SHOW MY BABYSITTERS A VAMPIRE! -Mel

ps. I am bored

H.M. Tree said...

Hey Magi!
Who has seen the new movie?
It was by far the best movie I've seen in my entire life!!

Anonymous said...

i did!!! it was amazingggg!!!!!! -Mel

Anonymous said...

i didnt get 2 see it yet cause i came back from greece 3 days ago i am going 2 see it on thursday cant waite- Daniel:) :)

Anonymous said...

oh yaaaaaa epic epic is hunter-Daniel

Anonymous said...

sup you didnt know what that meant hahahhahahahaha-Daniel PS did i do 2 many hahaha's

Anonymous said...

maybe zeke would know, mi hint is rs=runescape ehheheheheh or maybe he wont-Daniel

Anonymous said...

i saw the seventh movie it was so EPIC-HUNTER

Anonymous said...

like hunter

Anonymous said...

Sup people I love Harry potter and I went to the harry potter part of a museam that had the costumes that the actors wore in the movies from Harry Potter and I was EPIC! And I got a bag that is Harry Potter and iit is EPIC

Anonymous said...

Sup Zeke and everybody else who is on this website right now how are you guys. ERVN

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You know who is Hunter right hunter is Daniel-hunter

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wat u people doing

Anonymous said...

hi peepssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why are you Hunter now Daniel?? -Mel of epicness

Anonymous said...

Hi it is the queen or epicville and I want to say hello epic earth I know it doesn't seem that I am the queen of epicville but I am!

Anonymous said...

well maybe i am huter7fold hunter ps hunter is epic-hunter

Anonymous said...

Hi peeps!! Hows school?? DANI I miss you sooooooo much!!!!! (dani left greenhill)--- mellllllll

Anonymous said...

hi hi hi my name is zeke and i am am a inbox

Anonymous said...

hi i just went on a camp out it was epic speaking of epic how are you ERVN -zeke of epicness

Anonymous said...

HAY WHATS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

why did ERVN leave greenhill it is awesome there witch school did she go to. How com no one is on this blog and if you here me pleas re spawn cause i want to know wy she would go i am sorry she left that's sad. Will she go on the blog still i hop so. and also on my camp out I got to go swim in Housten and Daniel was there to and I almost stepped on a sting ray it was freaky freaky and we herd a wild pig kill 2 dogs witch made my sad so with Daniel and at night the hog came right next to my tent and hit my with its tusk witch scared me out of my bozone a bozone is a purple orb that is around you but it is invisible so youo cant see it so by.-zeke of epicness

Anonymous said...

sorry i spelled some words wrong ok peace out-zeke of epicness

Anonymous said...

Hi me and Daniel just won a soccer game it was epic we won 8 to 0

Anonymous said...

win i was 62 i grew a must ash

Anonymous said...

hello? am so bored-zeke of epicness

Anonymous said...

lets pwn captain own???
hunter hahah

Anonymous said...

hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi

Anonymous said...

Hi just wanted to know who is going to harry potter cam this year. By the way me and Daniel are going to camp-Zeke

Jeremy said...

You know who is Hunter right hunter is Daniel-hunter

Potteraclp said...

oh yaaaaaa epic epic is hunter-Daniel