Monday, June 29, 2015

Sorting Hat Ceremony 2015

Welcome New Witches and Wizards to Hogwarts 2015 Sorting Hat Ceremony!

1st Year Witches...

1st year Wizards...

Sunday, July 3, 2011


To talk to your friends, click on the comment box below. Owls are ready to deliver your messages!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Our Last Day Together

I am sad to say that our time together this summer at Hogwarts on the Hill has come to an end. Yesterday, we walked away from Hogwarts side by side as we once again entered the world of muggles.

We had spent our final day playing Magi Quest at the
Great Wolf Lodge.

Everyone trained hard and worked together to master challenging quests.

Here are many pictures from our final adventure.

That very morning, they had left Hogwarts as just young apprentices. However, each returned as a 

Thank you so much for sharing your children with me! It was such an exciting two weeks. I already miss each of my young witches and wizards. I will leave this blog up so that you might continue to enjoy pictures/videos from our magical experience. Your children have also expressed the desire to stay in touch with all of their new friends. Feel free to use this blog as a place to talk to each other and explore the Magical World of Harry Potter together.

Now for a bit of wizardly advice before we journey on our way:
Always remember the Hogwarts' Motto that is written on the school's coat of arms.
For this could one day save your life...
Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon!

(lol) Have a great summer.
I hope to see you at Hogwarts again next summer!
Head Mistress Tree

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Hey Master Magi! Click on the link below. It is super cool! My favorite part is the tour of Hogwarts!

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter


The blog is allowing for us to comment again, so I just have to ask one more question...
What will you miss the most about Hogwarts on the Hill?

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Today was our first field trip to the Great Wolf Lodge to play MagiQuest.

 We cannot wait to return tomorrow to become MASTER MAGI!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 8

Today was our last full day AT Hogwarts on the Hill. The final two days of our adventure will be spent playing MAGIQUEST! We had a blast today. We kept coming up with super cool new games to play and made sure that we also did our old favorite activities for the last time together.

One funny thing that we discovered is that there are MANY uses for a wizard's hat. We had a good time playing around with our freshly painted hats until a new game emerged. Our imaginations went wild with all of the fun things we could do with a snitch and a hat. As the game began to take shape, we went outside to the Forbidden Forest and used our wizard's hats in a game that we named Catch the Snitch.

Here are a few of today's highlights...

I must admit that I am sad that our big adventure is coming to an end. However...I am very much looking forward to taking the Knight Bus tomorrow on our quest to become Master Magi!!

**Remember young Magi to wear your Greenhill Summer on the Hill Shirt and bring a sack lunch.